The Croc

This safari started with a 2 hour helicopter ride from Tete to Chawalo on the Zambeze river below Lake Cahora Bassa .  This was my first experience in a helicopter, there are so many unbelievable  first experiences in Africa.

We arrived at camp and were greeted by the people I have come to know as family like we were celebrities deserving of a great welcome with drums beating and cocktails in hand we all hugged and laughed so excited to see each other.

Our first day out we boarded the boats, similar to a modified bass boat with outboard motors, piloted by one of the game rangers accompanying us.  I asked what would happen if we fell in the Zambeze and wondering why no life jackets were offered and our Assistant  PH laughed and said “You better be able to run on top of the water”!  And I soon knew why as we passed pods of hippos surfacing the water and snorting their presence.  How in the world does an animal that huge not be noticed under the water, it still amazes me.  But the danger that truly got my attention were the crocs quickly sliding out of the reeds and into the water as we passed, but the excitement of safari and being in nature with professionals who understand the wildlife and surroundings makes me like a child again experiencing my surroundings  in amazement instead of fear. 

We spent two days on the water and land stalking my croc.  I always thought they wouldn’t be that wary, after all, they have such small brains that I had been so focused on while studying the shot I must take.  I thought, this should be easy to sneak up on one of these Jurassic Giants.  I was so wrong, every time we came within range you could hear the splash as it hit the water.  Then you’d hear a hippo and hope you weren’t between it and it’s path to the water.  The PH’s knew where they were thought and so I have learned to trust their instinct, they are part of that world that we only get to experience for a few weeks at a time

With no luck at stalking, our PH built a blind he jokingly called the Taj Mahal.   I watched in amazement as the Hippo bait went in the water and within minutes crocs started swimming up from everywhere.  We even had one walk by us at about 10 feet never sensing we were there.  One of the many wonderful things we got to experience while sitting in a croc blind.  Just imagine having that huge creature stroll by while you’re watching more than 20 of it’s fellow crocs rip at the hippo bait, especially exciting is watching them roll their entire bodies to separate the bait from the pole.

I stood with my .375 H&H balanced on one of the cross limbs, I was too short to sit.  My PH saw a croc he knew was the one.  He always helps me find the correct animal or reptile by finding a unique feature.  This old croc became known as White Dot because he had a white dot on his nose.  We watched White Dot come and go on the bait waiting for the perfect opportunity.  He left several times and each time my heart would sink thinking I had missed the opportunity.  Then as if he was on cue, he came up on the banks of the river right in front of the blind.  Dylan said “shoot”.  I did and White Dot swished his massive tail and I was told to place the second shot on his shoulder to anchor him.  He was still.  I thought I had been standing for about 20 minutes, it had been 5 hours!  I can’t explain how time stands still in those moments.

The celebration was in full swing back at camp as we approached in the boats with the massive beast.  As all the crew sang and danced and beat the drums, Woody said, “Do you see the man missing an arm?”  I can understand why they celebrate, they live amongst this danger and so many others daily.  We can’t possibly understand their feelings about these animals.

One of my most cherished moments was not actually the hunt which was an adventure beyond my wildest dreams, but as we were boarding the helicopter to leave one of the crew from the skinning shed presented me with an elephant hair bracelet from an elephant that had been harassing a village nearby.  I still to this day don’t know why he chose to give me such a precious gift and maybe it doesn’t matter.  It was a moment I’ll never forget as he smiled and handed me that special gift he made for me.  It’s now my most cherished piece of jewelry.



Mozambique Swamp Buffalo