Teresa Willhite Teresa Willhite


I was not discouraged!  We had seen two worthy Kudu bulls so I knew we were in the right place.

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Black Wildebeest
Teresa Willhite Teresa Willhite

Black Wildebeest

Every time the Land Cruiser stopped I always felt anxiety over the stalk to come and what animal we would be tracking.  As we stopped this time, I saw the herd of Blacks in the distance.

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Mozambique Swamp Buffalo
Teresa Willhite Teresa Willhite

Mozambique Swamp Buffalo

We waited a few moments then started our approach to the bull.  I’m still very emotional thinking about those moments approaching the bull.  Would he be dead?  What would he look like?  How would I feel?

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The Croc
Teresa Willhite Teresa Willhite

The Croc

We spent two days on the water and land stalking my croc.  I always thought they wouldn’t be that wary, after all, they have such small brains that I had been so focused on while studying the shot I must take.  I thought, this should be easy to sneak up on one of these Jurassic Giants.  I was so wrong

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